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Welcome to The Community School


TCS Agency-A School Film

action or intervention, especially such as to produce a particular effect.
In the context of learning: The secret sauce.


STA Bus Information

This page outlines the various groups eligible for STA access, includes a how-to video, and features FAQs that parents and students might have.

Families and students can also submit questions to the district's Let's Talk portal.


Project Based Learning EXPLAINED

The Community School in Spokane is Project Based. But what's that mean? Here, we attempt to answer that question by running you through a recent project.



You've got questions, we've got answers...


Why I Chose TCS

Students share why they chose The Community School and explain what sets it apart from the traditional high school.


"Invictus" Video Project

The final product of “Invictus,” a project from TCS that explores answers to the question, “How should we deal with adverse fate?”


Net Zero Project Video

The Community School partnered with Avista for a project called Net Zero. Avista sent along a camera person with us for a portion of the experience. Please watch the attached video that they created.
