Naming Frances Scott Elementary

  • Thank you for helping name Frances Scott Elementary!

    After receiving dozens of name submissions and hearing public input, the SPS School Board choose to rename Sheridan Elementary after Frances Scott, Spokane’s first African American female attorney, a teacher at Rogers High School for more than 30 years, a president of the Spokane Education Association and a president of the WSU Board of Regents.


  • Background

    At the March 31 School Board meeting, representatives from Sheridan Elementary School presented a request to change the name of their school. One of the speakers was a sixth grade student. While doing a research project on Sheridan a few years ago, she learned the school was named for General Philip Sheridan, who is known for saying “The only good Indian is a dead Indian.”

    "My neighborhood, my kids and my families need a place to be proud of," said Sheridan Principal Larry Quisano. 

    The SPS School Board voted to move forward with the process, outlined in Procedure 6970, to rename the school. At its June 30 special meeting, the Board approved to rename the school after Frances Scott.


    • June 4: Deadline for submitting name suggestions 
    • June 7-11: Screening committee reviews submissions 
    • June 16: Three name finalists submitted to the School Board  
    • June 23: Public hearing on name finalists 
    • June 30: School Board chose Frances Scott as new school name
paw print with the name Frances Scott underneath