Tuesday Tours
Tuesday Tours (formerly Welcome Wednesdays) allows prospective students to experience a day as a NEWTEch student! Students tour the NEWTech programs during a regular school day, meet our instructors and current students, and learn about the many opportunities available at NEWTech.
Students select three programs to experience during their Tuesday Tour experience.
They will spend about 30 minutes in each program they select.
Tuesday Tours start November 5th during our AM (8:10 AM – 10:40 AM) and PM (11:25 AM – 1:55 PM) shifts.
Tuesday Tours Transportation Options:
Take the NEWTech bus from/to your sending high school and NEWTech
Students can be dropped off and picked up by a relative
Students may drive themselves
Programs to Explore
Health Careers/Sciences
Dental Assisting
Medical Assisting
Nursing Assistant
Pharmacy Technician (AM Only)
Veterinary Assisting
Professional Services
Digital Media Production
Criminal Justice
Culinary Arts
Graphic Design and Digital Arts
Skilled Trades
Automotive Technology - Maintenance and Light Repair
Automotive/Diesel Technology
Collision Repair and Refinishing
Construction Trades
Airplane Maintenance & Pilot Ground School
Energy and Power