Counseling Home Page

Counselors at North Central High School are assigned by grade level. Students will be assigned a counselor in the 9th grade and will stay with that counselor through graduation. Counselors are available to parents and families Monday - Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Please call the Counseling Secretary Teri Keenan at 509.354.6304 to make an appointment.

North Central’s counselors are divided by grade level with some counselors having pull out populations of students.


Counseling Secretary
Email Teri Keenan

Class of 2025
Kerry Trepus
Email Kerry Trepus

Class of 2026
Nina Martinsen
Email Nina Martinsen

Class of 2027
Alicia Shenefelt
Email Alicia Shenefelt

Class of 2028
Alexis Anderson
Email Alexis Anderson

M-MIST Grades 6-8, Special Populations
Macie Pate
Email Macie Pate

Special Education 
Becky Marshall
Email Becky Marshall

Homeless Education Pic

HEART Program

If you are a heart student or are a homeless youth who may qualify, please visit Heart Program for more information about supports available.

Behavioral Image

Behavioral Health & Community Resources