Counseling Program

Assured Services

The Salk Middle School Guidance Department aligns with the American School Counseling Association National Model, focusing on three domains: academic, career, and personal/social development. We abide by the ASCA model’s system of delivery of services which includes the following:

Direct Student Services

  • School Counseling Core Curriculum

  • Individual Student Planning

  • Responsive Services

  • Indirect Student Services

Salk Middle School Counselors:

  • Facilitate, coordinate and manage 504 process

  • Refer families to community services

  • Offer substance use/abuse prevention & referral

  • Support needs of homeless students

  • Provide individual and whole school crisis intervention

  • Teach self-awareness, self-management and emotional regulation skills

  • Teach decision making and relationship skills

  • Collaborate with parents/guardians

  • Provide individual and group counseling

  • Facilitate meetings, conferences and mediations between all stakeholders

  • Provide intervention support for student truancy

  • Perform classroom observations to assess student behavior and provide recommendations for intervention plans

  • Recognize mental health needs and provide referral resources

  • Refer families and/or child for legal services and facilitate protective services

  • Facilitate transitions between grade levels and program placements

Megan Decker

Mrs. Decker is our counselor who assists families and students whose last name begins with A-J. Please reach out to her with any concerns relating to the wellness of your student.

Email Megan Decker

Lyndsey Sabo

Mrs. Sabo is our counselor who assists families and students whose last name begins with K-Z. Please reach out to her with any concerns relating to the wellness of your student.

Email Lyndsey Sabo

Salk counseling tree