Academic Support
One of our focuses at Shadle Park High School is that EVERY student has the support and resources necessary to pass all of their classes. Consistent attendance, turning in assignments on time, and early communication with teachers are also KEY in the process of finding academic success.
Students who are struggling to find success in a class are encouraged to first talk with their teacher and set up a time to meet one-on-one for individual help. This helps to foster open communication and understanding between student and teacher. The sooner the teacher is aware of concerns, the faster he or she can provide support.
If a student continues to have difficulty finding success after connecting with their teacher, a meeting is set up with parent, student, teacher, counselor, and administrator to find out where the barriers are and come up with a plan moving forward.
After School Academic Support Labs (Shadle Park High School Library)
Monday and Wednesdays: English and History Support 2:30-3:30pm
Tuesday and Thursdays: Math and Science Support 2:30-3:30pm
Shadle Park Intervention Team
Email Nick Neely (9th Grade Student Academic Support Specialist)
Email Steve Yelenich (10th Grade Student Academic Support Specialist)
Email Steve Yelenich (11th Grade Student Support Specialist)
Email Darnell Handcox (12th Grade Interventionist)
Email James Alexander (School Community Specialist, In-School-Intervention Support)
Each interventionist has a desk located in the library, however the majority of their time is supporting in classrooms. It is the role of the interventionist to build relationships with individual students and provide academic support to help them build the capacity to be successful. TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT, EMAIL YOUR GRADE LEVEL INTERVENTIONIST DIRECTLY.
Grade level team supports
Every interventionist is assigned a specific grade level for focused interventions.
Monitor grades, attendance, behaviors
Attend grade level meetings
Communicate with grade level counselor and admin.
Communicate with grade level specific teachers and staff
Academic supports and content specific interventions
Designated times in the HUB to support students with academics
Communicate directly with teachers about assignments, assessments, etc.
Ensure communication (using pass system and email) when students are in the library.
Set up designated times to focus on specific content (i.e. : 2nd period on Tuesday will be Geometry support – and students are intentionally selected to attend for extra support)
Encourage organizational and planning skills to support academics – help student self-advocate with teacher communication, grade checks, planners, etc.
Social and emotional support
In conjunction with the grade level counselor, provide social/emotional support as needed.
Encourage students to access de-escalation space in A106 (with James Alexander), then determine strategies to help student navigate the school day/classes/peer conflict, etc.
Build relationship with individual students to focus on success via goal setting, academic goals, conflict resolution, etc.
Check and connects – attendance, behavior, grade supports
Each interventionist will have an identified group of 20-25 students within their grade level as a caseload. These students need more consistent and intentional check-ins.
Connect with students and teachers in the classroom.
Follow up on attendance concerns.
Contact parent/guardians as needed to discuss concerns (in conjunction with grade level team).
Home visits as determined by need.
Hallway interventions
Basic Strategies and Tips for Academic Success
FREE Virtual Tutoring Resource in Spokane
GU and Priority Spokane partnering to provide free tutoring and educational support for K-12 students M-F 3-6pm
Credit Recovery
High School ICAN
The High School iCAN (Individual Credit Advancement Now) program provides online credit recovery opportunities for students at their home high school, using special web-based coursework developed by Spokane Virtual Learning (SVL). iCAN classes help students meet their on-time graduation goals, and classroom times are scheduled at each SPS high school so students can be assisted in person and online.
To register for an iCAN course, please see your counselor. You will be enrolled in either a 6th or 7th period lab (where attendance is required) and will be enrolled in a web-based iCAN credit recovery course. The iCAN web-based course can be accessed during the iCAN lab and outside of school.
The following courses are available through iCAN:
English 9 A/B, English 10 A/B, English 11 A/B, English 12 A/B, Algebra 1 A/B, Geometry A/B, Algebra 2 A/B, Pre-Calculus A/B, Science 9A Physics, Science 9B Chemistry, Biology A/B, Chemistry A/B, World History A/B, US History A/B, Current World Affairs (CWA), Civics, Health, Intro to Fitness, Lifetime Fitness A/B.