Graduation Requirements

See OSPI website for detailed information regarding Washington State Graduation Requirements

Graduation Requirement by Subject

Credits Required (Class of 2021 and Beyond)


4 credits


3 credits

Social Studies

3 credits


3 credits (including 2 lab credits)

The Arts

2 credits ** 1 can be PPR credit

Career & Technical Ed

1 credit


1.5 credits


.5 credits

World Language

2 credits  ** or 2 PPR credits


4 credits

Total minimum credits

24 credits

WA State Testing Requirements

Meet Pathway Requirement in BOTH English and Math  (7 options)

High School and Beyond Plan


WA State History from Middle School


Personalized Pathway


Shadle Resources

SPS Resources

High School and Beyond


Our goal: Preparing students to successfully complete some form of higher education: technical, 2-year or 4-year.

Spokane Public Schools believes that a great school system:

  • builds on the strengths and gifts of each child,

  • provides students from poverty the same opportunities for success after high school as students from non-poverty homes,

  • instills in every student the belief that they can achieve more than they think possible, and

  • assures that every adult in the system is committed to the successful completion of some form of higher education for every child.

We have moved the finish line past graduation to help ensure our students are ready, that they get in, and then make it through their choice of higher education.

Earning a post-secondary credential (certificate, degree, industry certification) will be vital for our students to meet the labor needs of the future and earn a living wage. The military is a great way for students to learn valuable technical skills and access the G.I. Bill for future educational pursuits after active service.

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