Running Start
unning Start is a program where students take college level courses on a college campus to apply towards high school graduation requirements, in addition to completion of an Associates Degree or General Education Core Requirements in pursuit of a Bachelors Degree. Shadle Park High School partners with the Community Colleges of Spokane and Eastern Washington University.
What are some characteristics linked to success in Running Start?
At least a 3.0 cumulative high school GPA (you may need to provide additional information to the college if below a 3.0)
Past experience and success in Honors/AP classes. (This is not a requirement, but it can be a HUGE jump from traditional high school classes to college level courses)
Successful completion of Algebra 2/ Pre-Calculus. If you have not taken these courses yet, you will need to complete them at Shadle or SVL while accessing Running Start.
Strong communication skills, time management skills, maturity, independence, organizational skills, and consistent attendance.
A year long commitment to the Running Start program. (It is VERY hard to transfer back to high school after participating in Running Start since they follow a different calendar/ schedule)
*** Disclaimer: Credits and grades earned through the Running Start Program are NOT WEIGHTED when factored into the high school GPA.
Please review the Shadle Park High School Student and Parent Agreement form
To schedule a meeting with your counselor, please contact the SPHS Counseling Office at 509-354-6870 or email your counselor directly.
Class of 2025: Email Tippy Terrell
Class of 2026: Email Lesa Renner