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2025 Spokane Public Schools Bond FAQ: Finances
What is a school bond?
Why does SPS request a bond every 6 years?
How can I calculate how much I will contribute for the school bond and capital levy?
What is “assessed value”?
How are property taxes determined?
Didn’t SPS submit both a levy and a bond request on the February 2024 ballot?
The Together Spokane plan aligns the SPS bond with a separate Spokane Parks and Recreation Levy. What happens if one passes but the other doesn’t?
The funding mechanisms for the bond and capital levy are different. Why are SPS and Parks partnering in this way?
How much would my tax rate be if this bond were approved?
Why are there four school tax lines on my property tax bill?
Washington’s capital gains tax directs money to schools for construction projects. Can the district access these funds instead of running a bond?