Back to School
Launch Conferences
The 2024 - 25 school year begins with Launch Conferences on Aug. 29 and 30. Launch Conferences allow students and families to meet their teacher(s), gather information on meals, busing and more, and get a preview of the school year. Launch Conferences are for grades 1-12. Conferences for the following groups are scheduled directly with your teacher or school and you will not use the conference scheduler:
The Enrichment Cooperative at Bryant
Multilingual families requesting interpreter services
*Launch Conference sign-ups begin Aug. 19 at 5 p.m.
First day of school and school hours
The first day of school for grades 1-12 is Tuesday, Sept. 3.
Kindergarteners will start on an A/B rotation through Sept.9:
Sept. 4: Group A
Sept. 5: Group B
Sept. 6: Group A
Sept. 9: Group B
All kindergarteners will attend school together starting Sept. 10. This schedule allows kindergarten teachers, students and families to connect and start the school year strong.
Note: The A/B groups will be determined and communicated by the individuals schools. Schools will also schedule kindergarten Launch Conferences.
School day hours for the 2024-25 school year will be (Tues - Fri):
Ruben Trejo Dual Language Academy (previously Spokane Public Language Immersion): 7:45 a.m. - 2:15 p.m.
High school and Odyssey: 8 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Middle school: 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Elementary school and Spokane Public Montessori: 8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Late-start Mondays
Starting Sept. 9, students will begin their school day one hour later each Monday, which allows teachers time to work with colleagues around student learning and supports. Start times are:
Ruben Trejo Dual Language Academy (previously Spokane Public Language Immersion): 8:45 a.m.
High Schools and Odyssey: 9 a.m.
Elementary Schools and Spokane Public Montessori: 9:30 a.m.
Middle Schools: 10 a.m.
NEWTech Prep and The Enrichment Cooperative: Regular start schedule
Yellow Bus Transportation
Spokane Public Schools partners with Zum Services Inc. to provide transportation for approximately more than 800 special education students and 4,000 regular education students traveling 9,000 miles daily.
Find information on yellow bus transportation and register here.
STA service for high school students
After a successful partnership last year, SPS and Spokane Transit Authority will partner for the second year in a row to offer a transportation option for high school students.
There are STA options for high school students living outside the 1.5-mile walk zone radius, as well as high school students living within the 1.5-mile walk zone radius. High school students living outside the 1.5-mile walk zone radius who also live in an area without sufficient STA service will be able to ride a yellow bus or van to their school.
Find more information here.
Free Meals for Students!
All SPS students can get a free breakfast and lunch each school day this year.
We're asking families to complete a brief survey to ensure school funding is maintained for essential programs. Based on your responses, you may be prompted to complete the Child Nutrition Eligibility and Education Benefit Application. Students who qualify can get added benefits like waived sports & testing fees, and many others.
SPS serves nearly 30,000 meals every day:
All students must have current immunizations or a certificate of exemption on file before school starts. If your student needs medication or a treatment administered at school, a new health care plan is required every school year. Students will be excluded from school until all required documents and medication(s) are in place.
Taking a Spokane Public Schools student device home accepts all terms and conditions detailed in the Laptop Checkout Agreement. Laptop Insurance is no longer needed as we have purchased Accidental Damage Insurance for student devices. Fines and fee schedule is documented in the new Laptop Checkout Agreement.
This year, high school students will check out laptops for use at home. Elementary and middle school staff will decide when laptops should be checked out to students upon request. Please check with your student’s school if you have questions about laptop checkout.
See how SPS is preparing more than 30,000 devices so students and staff can begin the school year smoothly:
Extracurricular Activities
Learn how students can be involved in sports, the arts, school clubs and more!
First-day photos
When you share your first day of school pics, remember to tag Spokane Public Schools on Facebook and Instagram!
Find all our Schools on Social Media so you can follow the fun this year.
Let's Talk
Have questions or comments for your school, the district or a specific department? Use our Let's Talk portal and we'll be in touch!
You'll also see a Let's Talk tab on the right side of every web page in the district.