HEART Educational Rights & Resolutions
The McKinney-Vento Education of Homeless Children and Youth Assistance Act is a federal law that ensures immediate enrollment and educational stability for children and youth experiencing homelessness. The U.S. Department of Education has issued information and guidance for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth.
In 2016 the Washington State Legislature passed the Homeless Student Stability and Opportunity Gap Act to amend state laws related to improving educational outcomes for students experiencing homelessness through increased identification services, in-school supports, and housing stability. The resulting Homeless Student Stability Program at OSPI compliments the Federal McKinney-Vento program, providing additional support and resources for school districts.
Rights & Resolutions
Students who live in transitional situations have the right to:
stay in their school of origin (the school they have been attending or attended when last permanently housed) even if they move out of the school district. Students can also finish the current school year in their school even if they find permanent housing during that school year.
immediately enroll, attend classes and participate fully in school activities in the local school in the area where they are living, without proof of residency, immunization records or other medical records, school records, or other documents.
the elimination of barriers for a student’s full participation in school and school related activities (i.e. school fees, required supplies).
get transportation to their “school of origin” provided or arranged by the school district, or a joint effort between school districts.
attend school district provided preschool programs.
access all school services including free school meals, services for English language learners, special education, Title I services, vocational/technical education, gifted and talented services, and before- and after-school care/programs as needed.
have disagreements with the school settled quickly and go to the school they choose while disagreements are settled. Washington State has a uniform policy and procedure for dispute resolution. See below for a link to this service.
a free Child Find evaluation to assess developmental status. Details about the process can be found on our district’s Child Find Website.
receive information on post-secondary education including how to access and assistance in completing the FAFSA.
District Guidelines & Procedures
Spokane Public Schools has adopted a policy regarding Education For Homeless Children and Youth.
Spokane Public Schools has adopted a procedure regarding Education for Homeless Children and Youth.
Find the Dispute Resolution Form here.
HEART Program
Fax: 509-354-5914
Sarah Miller
Intake and Transportation Specialist
Christie McReynolds