MAP consists of two programs: a middle school (one classroom) and a high school (three classrooms). Mental health counseling uses talk therapy and is an integral part of the school. Map is not a behavior program, developmentally impaired program, autism spectrum program or a credit retrieval program.

MAP Middle School is a specialized school for grades 6, 7, and 8. All students are dealing with mental illness, non-aggressive behavior, normal cognitive and communication levels and need an intensive setting. The capacity is eight students. There is one teacher and one paraeducator. They work to meet the academic and social needs of the students. The students receive support from the two mental health therapists at MAP.

MAP High School is a specialized school for grades 9 -12. All students are dealing with mental illness, non-aggressive behavior, normal cognitive and communication levels and need an intensive setting. The capacity is 30 students. There are three teachers, three paraeducators and two mental health therapists on staff. Students work with all teachers to meet high school graduation requirements. MAP will access vocational opportunities, NEWTech Skill Center, and other transitional programs as the student’s needs and abilities allow.

For both programs, students are referred by their home neighborhood school. If appropriate, a meet and greet is held at the facility to discuss needs and wants with the student, parent/guardians, school representative and staff. An administrative review is then conducted to determine appropriateness.

Spokane Public Schools is committed to providing a safe and positive environment for all students. Please review our harassment, intimidation and bullying page to learn more.


Map Principal
Dave Crump
2118 W. Garland Ave.