Social Studies
Elementary Social Studies programs explore complex concepts and ideas from civics, economics, geography and history, and develop social studies skills. Students look at issues and events from more than one perspective. They study the varied backgrounds of people living in Washington; the United States, including the study of American Indians; and the rest of the world. Students examine these cultures from the past and in the present and the impact they have had in shaping our contemporary society.
Washington State Standards and College, Career & Civic Life C3 Framework
Grades K-5 Curriculum: MyWorld, Since Time Immemorial units (Elementary Curriculum), and Wit & Wisdom
Grade 4 Curriculum: Washington Our Home Online
Middle School
In middle school, students develop reading, writing, analysis, and research skills within the context of state, national, and world civilizations. They gain a greater understanding of historical events and processes and develop an enhanced ability to analyze primary source documents and use the skills of causation, comparison, and continuity and change over time. Students build enduring understandings of the core concepts and ideas in civics, economics, geography, and history, and become more proficient in the skills and content required in the Washington State Social Studies Standards.
7th Grade, Semester One (World History) Curriculum: World History Great Civilizations: Ancient Through Early Modern Times
7th Grade, Semester Two (Washington History) Curriculum: Washington, A State of Contrasts
8th Grade, American Studies Curriculum: Discovering Our Past: A History of the United States
High School (Traditional Studies)
In high school, students continue to develop reading, writing, analysis and research skills within local, state, national, and global contexts. Students apply their learning from previous years and use the conceptual understandings they have developed in civics, economics, geography, and history to explore contemporary issues and master the skills and content required in the Washington State Social Studies Standards. Throughout high school, students following the traditional sequence complete courses in World History, US History, Civics, and Contemporary World Affairs.
World History Curriculum: History Alive! World Connections
US History Curriculum: United States History, Modern America
Civics Curriculum: Magruder’s American Government
Contemporary World Affairs Curriculum: The Choices Program, selected modules & online lessons
High School (Dual Credit)
In high school, students have many options for continuing to develop reading, writing, analysis and research skills within local, state, national, and global contexts. Students may choose to enroll in advanced coursework that extends beyond the traditional pathway by providing the opportunity to earn college credits. In these courses, students will apply their learning from previous years and use the conceptual understandings they have developed in civics, economics, geography, and history to master the skills and content required in the Washington State Social Studies Standards.
AP European History: The Making of the West
[Fulfills the World History graduation requirement]AP World History: Ways of the World, a Global History with Sources
[Fulfills the World History graduation requirement]AP US History: America’s History (for the AP Course)
[Fulfills the U.S. History graduation requirement]AP US Government & Politics: Government by the People
[Fulfills the Civics graduation requirement]AP Seminar Capstone-1st semester
[Fulfills the Civics graduation requirement]AP Comparative Government: Essentials of Comparative Politics with Cases
[Fulfills the CWA graduation requirement]AP Human Geography: The Cultural Landscape, an Introduction to Human Geography
[Fulfills the CWA graduation requirement and one semester of elective credit]AP Seminar Capstone-2nd semester
[Fulfills the CWA graduation requirement]
In high school, students may choose from a wide array of social studies electives. These courses allow students to explore subjects in which they are interested and continue to develop reading, writing, analysis and research skills. Social Studies elective courses align to Washington State Social Studies Standards and enhance the high school experience by allowing students to pursue a variety of interests beyond their required classes.
AP Art History Curriculum: Art through the Ages, a Global History
AP Human Geography Curriculum (1 semester CWA credit & 1 semester elective credit): The Cultural Landscape, an Introduction to Human Geography
AP Psychology Curriculum: Myers’ Psychology for AP
AP Research Capstone Curriculum: AP Seminar Capstone (Civics and CWA credits OR elective credit)
Psychology Curriculum: Psychology, a Discovery Experience
Sociology Curriculum: Sociology, a Brief Introduction