Welcome to the Boys Cross Country Program!

  • Boys XC will start practice February 22nd and the first week we will meet at LC. We will be meeting in the auditorium for week one.  After week one we will likely move to Hart Field for practice (weather permitting).  Practice is from 3-5pm Mon-Fri and most Saturday’s we will practice at 8am.

    All students need to have appropriate paperwork, physical, and GSL Card via FinalForms: https://www.spokaneschools.org/domain/710

    Student athletes will need to have a mask or gator and complete their heath check prior to entering the building. https://weba.spokaneschools.org/Attestation/

    Students should come on day one prepared to run: shoes, warm up pants, jacket, hat and gloves.

    More information will be distributed once we are up and running.

    If you have specific questions, please contact Coach Michael Lee: michaelL@spokaneschools.org

    If you would like to order LCXC gear you may do so here until Feb. 25: https://www.bsnteamsports.com/shop/BOYS2021
