On Track Academy Health Sciences

  • Opportunities | Immersive Experiences | Relevant Education | Create What's Next

Students practicing skills
  • Mission Statement:

    Assist and mentor students in creating what’s next for their future by providing opportunities for immersive experiences the health sciences that engage students in relevant and applicable education.

    Vision Statement:

    To provide students with opportunities and guidance to begin a career pathway in the health sciences industry.

    Create What's Next: 

    The On Track Academy Health Sciences program provides students interested in healthcare, a highly supported and immersive experience in a hospital setting to engage in relevant learning experiences. In order to prepare students for a career path in the health sciences industry. Students explore various health sciences career opportunities, are exposed to the health sciences industry directly, experience the healthcare industry directly and begin creating what's next by accumulating certified hours, content knowledge, and gaining and developing professional skills in order to begin their future in healthcare.  


The 2023 OTA Health Sciences cohort poses in the courtyard beside a Providence banner.