Kids playing board games

Every Monday at Roosevelt Elementary, upwards of 60 students in grades 2-5 join together for Board Game Club, one of the many opportunities for kids in Spokane Public Schools to engage in real life activities with their peers away from devices.

It's simple: Kids gather, grab a board game, and go play. The hour spent after school socializing and learning problem solving skills while being with each other is vital to their growth and development. Sometimes, they'll even get to challenge a teacher, administrator or volunteer who stops by.

"It's a great time to talk about sportsmanship and coping skills and just have fun and engage in play, kind of like we did when we were kids," said Ali Keefe, Roosevelt's Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) specialist. "It's such a fulfilling feeling. I go home with such joy and talk about what happened at Board Game Club with my family."


Learn more about Spokane Public School's Engage In Real Life (IRL) initiative