
We are excited to announce that Browne is getting the first opportunity to host a Love and Logic class in our feeder pattern. This class is 6 sessions and can count towards your PERT. There are only 19 spots available, and we are offering it to staff and families of Browne first before offering to the remainder of our feeder pattern. If you are interested in this workshop, please use the QR code in the flyer attached to register.

Dates and Times for these sessions are below:

Tuesday, November 5th, 5-6:30pm

Thursday, November 7th, 5-6:30pm

Tuesday, November 12th, 5-6:30pm

Thursday, November15th, 5-6:30pm

Tuesday, November 19th, 5-6:30pm

Thursday, November 21st, 5-6:30pm