A collage with photos of five high school students, each wearing different high school spirit apparel.

Today, Sept. 17, is Constitution & Citizenship Day, which commemorates the signing of the United States Constitution in 1787. The study of the Constitution, as well as the Constitution of Washington state, is a requirement for high school graduation.

Students also have the opportunity to engage in civics on a more personal level through student government. Our five comprehensive high schools host Associated Student Body (ASB) organizations that give students a chance to participate in elections and governance alongside peers.

We asked a few of these student leaders about why they participate in ASB and what citizenship means to them.

A smiling girl with long dark hair, wearing a red t-shirt featuring a wolf logo, stands in an outdoor setting. She has a nose ring and is wearing a microphone headset. Red sunglasses are perched on her head.Dylan Gagaoin, North Central High School ASB 5th Executive

Why did you want to be involved with your schools' ASB?

I wanted to run for ASB because I have a passion for helping others and helping the community. North Central feels like a second family to me, so being able to serve my community is the best part of my job. My sister was also on ASB the year before me, so I felt like this was my natural next step.

What does citizenship mean to you?

Citizenship to me means you are part of a community. You are part of something bigger than yourself, and displaying that citizenship means taking care of and actively helping that community.

Why is it important for young people to engage in civics education and the electoral process?

I've always believed it's important that everyone have some level of awareness of the world around them, so I think being educated and staying updated on local and national politics is just part of that. It's especially important to have that awareness and engagement with this year being an election year, so finding opportunities to learn about civics or become involved will be very beneficial.

A young woman with braided hair and wearing large glasses smiles at the camera. She is dressed in a black t-shirt with white letters that are slightly out of frame.Akeelis Muhammad, Rogers High School ASB President

Why did you want to be involved with your schools' ASB?

I decided to become a leadership officer because I feel that I'm someone who really likes to voice my ideas and opinions. I like communicating other people's ideas that they give to me, and I'm a very outspoken person, which a lot of people in my surroundings enjoy – it's a huge part of my personality.

What does citizenship mean to you?

A good citizen is someone who gets involved and does things that help their community. They are people who are confident in the things that they represent and do.

Why is it important for young people to engage in civics education and the electoral process?

Our generation of people don't vote, and I think it's really important for us to vote. If our older generation has different beliefs and we're leaving them the responsibility of our future and our kids' future, it would most likely effect us in the long run. So, I would encourage anyone in my age range who is capable of voting to do it! Researching is super important on all ends to know who and what you're supporting.

A young man sits on an outdoor staircase next to a brick wall. He is wearing a green and yellow letterman jacket with the name "EGAN" on the front and an "S" patch on the chest. Egan Johnson, Shadle Park High School ASB President

Why did you want to be involved with your schools’ ASB?

I want to be involved with my school’s ASB because I believe it is the best way to make change and to help build my school up to be a better place so that when I leave it’s better than I found it.

What does citizenship mean to you?

Citizenship means to me that you are active in your community and every action that you take is helping build up that community to make it a better place for everyone around you.

Why is it important for young people to engage in civics education and the electoral process?

It is important because once we leave high school, the nation will be our community, so to build up that community we must know how to participate.

A young woman stands outdoors in a grassy, tree-lined area. She is wearing a black letterman jacket with orange and white accents, with the name "GWEN" and the number "23" embroidered on it. Gwen Bafus, Lewis and Clark High School ASB President

Why did you want to be involved with your schools' ASB?

I wanted to be involved in Lewis and Clark’s leadership program because I love helping. From Vacation Bible School at my church to outside volunteering with Generation Alive, it has always been my passion. Helping others has helped me to not only love others, but also myself more. Helping others helps you!

What does citizenship mean to you?

Citizenship is to be a part of a community. It means that you want the best for it, and you are willing to help it. Citizenship is the willingness to reach out and want a change for your community, it shows that you care for the place you call home.

Why is it important for young people to engage in civics education and the electoral process?

Engaging in civics and the electoral process is one of the most important yet undertaught subjects in today's schools. I have lacked interest in these subjects for years because I never understood why I would need to understand it, but as I creep up to my 18th birthday and beyond, where voting is necessary for change, I found that I lack knowledge in this subject as a whole. I fear that the students who are younger than me are lacking the interest and education on this extremely important topic. I hope that we can help educate our students about the importance of this subject to help support them in their life after high school.

A young woman with long brown hair wearing a red tshirt with the text "FHS Saxons" stands with her hands in her front jeans pockets on a high school campus with trees in the background.Estelle Moffitt, Ferris High School ASB President

Why did you want to be involved with your schools’ ASB?

I absolutely love being a part of the community and the student leadership at Ferris! I value being involved, and I love what ASB does for the school and the students.

What does citizenship mean to you?

Citizenship means staying active within your community. It means being educated and informed about what's happening in your area as well as the nation.

Why is it important for young people to engage in civics education and the electoral process?

I think it is important for young people to be involved because we are the future of our country, and it is important to prevent arrogance.

At age 16, Washington state residents who are U.S. citizens can pre-register to vote through the Office of the Secretary of State’s Future Voter program. This year, the deadline to return Washington State voter registrations and updates by mail or online is Oct. 28, 2024; voter registrations and updates can be made in person through Election Day on Nov. 5. For more information about voting in Spokane, visit Spokane County Elections.