Dress Code

Our focus at Garfield is student learning and safety. A student’s dress should align with this focus as well. The following guidelines will help our students maintain a positive and safe learning environment:

•Skirts, dresses, and shorts must reach as far as the student’s fingertips when the arm is extended straight down your side.

•Spaghetti straps, tank tops with large armholes, and pants that are below the hips are not appropriate.

•Midriffs must be covered.

•Dress and/or appearance which constitutes a clear and present danger to the students’ safety, or which creates a disruption to the educational process will not be permitted. This includes but is not limited to apparel which, by printed word, or symbol, display or promote alcohol, drugs, tobacco, sex, nudity, violence, and/orange behavior.

•Long chains and accessories with metal points are not allowed and are considered a safety concern.

•Everyone is required to wear safe shoes that protect their feet. Please consider and make accommodation for recess, Music/Dance Class, and Fitness and Health Class activities.

If your child is unable to follow these guidelines, parents must be called to bring appropriate clothing to school.

Thank you for your cooperation on this issue.

Cell Phones and Garfield Elementary School

Possession and use of personal telecommunications devices (PTDs), including mobile telephones, pagers, CD and MP3 players, iPods, Smart Watches, etc., by Garfield Elementary School students are not permitted on school property during class times. Cell phones must be turned off from the first bell in the morning until after the dismissal bell in the afternoon.

PTDs are to be placed in student backpacks from the start of the school day until after the end of the day and during after school activities.

The use of PTDs capable of capturing images is strictly prohibited while at school or at school-related or school-sponsored events.

Garfield Elementary School and Spokane Public Schools are not responsible for any damaged, lost, or stolen electronic devices.

PTD Policy Violations Consequences

1st Offense The teacher will confiscate the devise for the remainder of the day and students may pick it up at the end of the school day.

2nd Offense Device will be confiscated and held in the principal’s office until the end of the day when the student can pick it up at that time. Parent/guardian will be notified.

3rd Offense The device will be confiscated and held in the principal’s office until the end of the day and a parent/guardian will be asked to pick it up.