Kinder Roundup

Hamblen Elementary Kindergarten Families:

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We are starting to get ready for the year and are so looking forward to meeting you and welcoming you to our Hamblen community! Find our parent teacher group here:

Hamblen PTG

To begin to get to know each other we are hosting Kindergarten Round-Up on Tuesday, August 20th from 3:00pm to 6:00pm right here in the Hamblen Elementary Gym. This is an event for parents/guardians and Kindergarteners, so

bring your child to the Round-Up!

Please mark your calendars to come to Hamblen that morning to meet the Kindergarten teachers, go through a few introductory activities, and get information about WAKids conferences, the start of school schedule, and more.

You can come by anytime between 3pm and 5pm in order to complete all the stations by 6pm.

The office staff will be here as well to help you complete any remaining paperwork for your child's enrollment packet. All medication paperwork and immunization information must be on file before your child can start school, so this is a great time to complete any outstanding enrollment tasks.

You will receive a letter in the mail after Round Up indicating your child’s teacher, your WAKids conference time, and your child’s 1st Day of Kindergarten starting date. (Please note: WAKids conferences are different than Launch conferences for 1st – 12th graders.)

If you have questions or need assistance of any kind, please contact our school office. Office staff will be returning 8/19.

Looking forward to seeing you and the bright, shiny faces of our new Kindergarteners!