student putting cell phone in backpack

Cell Phone Policy and Procedure

The Spokane Public Schools Board of Directors officially revised the district's cell phone policy at its Aug. 28 meeting. SPS now limits cell phone usage in our district, including these differences at each level:

  • All elementary and middle schools will be cell phone-free during school hours.

  • All high schools will be cell phone-free during classroom time. High school students may use their cell phones during meals and passing periods.

Other cell-based devices, such as smartwatches, air pods, etc., also will not be allowed during classroom time. Students with specific medical or other documented needs may have accommodations made.

Students will still keep their phone in their possession during the school day. SPS plans to provide pouches to middle school students to safely keep their phone in their binders or backpacks.

Visit the District Website for more information about this new policy.