Exploring the world of culinary arts with Mrs. Anderson!

Find your passion for Culinary Arts...
  • Hello Pirates and supporters of Pirate students, thank you for visiting my page! My name is Mrs. Anderson, and I am so excited to teach Foods and Nutrition/International Cooking and ProStart Level 1 for the 2024-2025 school year!

    I completed my student teaching at John R. Rogers High School, and I have to tell you, it changed my whole world. I was genuinely excited each morning to come to Rogers and teach some amazing students who showed me so much kindness and support along the way. I enjoyed working with students in the DECA program, cheering on the Pirates at basketball games, and working on catering projects with the culinary class! I cried a lot my last day, but cried even more when I found out I would be back with my own classroom!

    I was a member of ProStart and DECA in high school, and I can truly attest to how much getting involved in career and technical education (CTE) courses and clubs can help you figure out what you want to do in the future. In high school, I didn't think I would ever go to college, my grades were horrible and I didn't have the skills. My involvement in ProStart/DECA my senior year changed how I viewed my future. I finally felt passionate about something, and for the first time in my life, I got A's in my classes. I went from a 2.00 GPA average to a 3.80 GPA my last year. I ended up completing 8+ years of college, including a culinary, business, and education degree. I truly believe in the power of what CTE can do for our students because I have been in their shoes! 

    I am excited to share the things I have learned in the classroom as well as 10+ years of industry experience with students as we learn about the profession of culinary arts. It is a subject I am incredibly passionate about, and something I hope you can find your passion in, too! I believe in you and all that you can (and will!) achieve in your bright futures that lie ahead. 

    Please click the links in the navigation panel to find out more information, and please don't hesitate to contact me about any comments/questions/concerns at valkyriea@spokaneschools.org


    -Mrs. Anderson